miercuri, 22 aprilie 2009

Premii de la bucataras.ro

Am participat pe site-ul bucataras.ro la concursul "Reteta mea" si am castigat doua premii.
Locul 2 cu Cufarul cu surprize si floarea nebuna - un dvd cu Jamie oliver
Locul 4 cu Palarioarele cu mere - o carte "Bucataria rapida".

Multumesc bucatarasilor pentru premii !

A aparut un nou concurs pe bucataras.ro! Mai multe informatii aici.

Paine cu bundita (bundas kenyer) / Bundle bread

12 felii de paine
5 oua
4 linguri de smantana

Ouale se bat bine cu smantana (puteti folosi lapte in loc de smantana, eu n-am avut in casa si am ales varianta asta). Se dau feliile de paine prin compozitia de ou si se prajesc in ulei incins. Mie imi place asa simpla, dar puteti sa adaugati condimente dupa preferinta.
Se poate face si o varianta dulce, dar eu n-am incercat pana acum. Puteti vedea reteta la Elisa.

Painea asta cu bundita imi aminteste de micul dejun din copilarie, cand o serveam cu o cana de ceai. Acum am servit alaturi de o salata de rosii, castraveti si ceapa.


12 slices of bread
5 eggs
4 tablespoons of cream

Beat the eggs well with the sour cream (can use milk instead of cream, I didn't had milk and I chose this option). Dip the slices of bread in egg composition and fry in hot oil. I like it simple, but you can add spices as you like.
Can you make a sweet version, but I never tried before. You can see the recipe from Elisa.

Bundle bread that reminds me of childhood
breakfast, when I served it with a cup of tea. Now I have served with a salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and onions.

Telina pane / Fried celery

1 telina mare
3 oua
2-3 linguri de faina
sare, piper, boia

Telina se decojeste, se taie in 4, iar apoi felii de grosimea unui deget. Ouale se bat cu faina, se adauga condimentele. Se dau feliile de telina prin compozitia de ou, apoi prin pesmet si se prajesc in ulei incins. Telina se inmoaie si are un gust deosebit.


1 large celery
3 eggs
2-3 tablespoons of flour
salt, pepper, paprika

Clean the celery, cut into 4, then slice it with thickness of a finger. Beat the eggs with flour, add spices. Dip the slices of celery in the egg composition, then in the breadcrumbs and fry in hot oil. The celery is soften and it tastes great.

Mini-tarte cu mere / Apple tartlets

Aceleasi ingrediente ca la palarioarele cu mere, dar in alta prezentare.


The same ingredients as for apple bonnets, but different presentation.

luni, 20 aprilie 2009

duminică, 12 aprilie 2009

Melci cu rahat si miere / Turkish delight and honey rolls

Dupa o reteta din suplimentul Femeia de azi, "Prajituri de sarbatoare"

4 galbenusuri
50 gr zahar pudra
600 gr faina
2 pliculete Garant pentru aluaturi dospite de la Dr. Oetker
150 gr margarina Rama maestro
250 ml lapte
300 gr rahat
100 gr miere

Trei galbenusuri se amesteca bine cu 100 gr margarina topita si racita. Se adauga zaharul pudra si 100 ml lapte, apoi faina amestecata cu pliculetele de garant. Se framanta bine adaugand si restul de lapte. Se lasa la dospit pentru 15-20 de minute.
Folosesc pentru prima data garantul pentru aluaturi dospite, dar s-a comportat excelent, aluatul a crescut foarte repede.
Se intinde apoi o foaie si se unge cu restul de margarina. Se impacheteaza si se intinde din nou o foaie dreptunghiulara. Se taie fasii de 2 degete grosime si se aseaza pe mijloc, pe lungime bucatele mici de rahat. Se preseaza marginile si se formeaza melcii rasucind fasiile.
Se ung cu galbenus amestecat cu o lingura de lapte si se coc la 180C pana se rumenesc frumos. Cand ii scoatem din cuptor, ii ungem asa fierbinti cu miere.
Sunt minunati ! Pufosi si deliciosi !


4 yolks
50 gr caster sugar
600 gr flour
20 gr dry yeast
150 gr margarine
250 ml milk
300 gr turkish delight
100 gr honey

Mix well 3 yolks with 100 gr
melted and cooled margarine. Add sugar and 100 ml of milk, then flour mixed with the dry yeast. Knead well, adding the remaining milk. Ferment at room temperature until doubles it size.
Then roll it out and grease with remaining margarine. Pack it and roll it out again. Cut strips of 2 fingers thickness and put small pieces of turkish delight in the middle. Press the edges and form snails twisting strips.
Brush them with one yolk mixed with a spoon of milk and bake at 180C until crisp nicely. When out of the oven, brush them with honey while they are still hot.
They are wonderful! Fluffy and delicious!

Perisoare de vita cu legume si sos de vin rosu / Meatballs with red wine sauce and vegetables

Dupa o reteta Practic in bucatarie

600 gr carne tocata de vita
50 gr orez
1 ceapa
2 catei de usturoi
patrunjel verde
1 albus
2 linguri pesmet
sare, piper, boia
condiment pentru chiftele
1 ceapa
1 lingura faina
2 linguri smantana
100 ml vin rosu
2 linguri sos de rosii
sare, piper, boia
1 punga conopida congelata
1 punga broccoli congelat

Orezul se fierbe 10 minute, se scurge si se lasa la racit. Se amesteca apoi cu carnea tocata, usturoiul dat prin presa, ceapa data pe razatoarea cu gauri mici, patrunjelul verde tocat, albusul si pesmetul. Se condimenteaza si se framanta bine. Se formeaza perisoarele care se fierb in apa cu sare pentru 20 de minute. Cand sunt gata se scot cu o spumiera.
Legumele se fierb in apa cu sare.
Pentru sos se toaca ceapa marunt si se pune la calit in putin ulei de masline. Se adauga vinul rosu si se lasa la fiert. Faina se amesteca cu smantana si se adauga la sos. Se adauga si sosul de rosii si se condimenteaza. Se fierbe cateva minute pana se ingroasa.


600 gr minced beef meat
50 gr rice
1 onion
2 garlic cloves
green parsley
1 egg white
2 tablespoons breadcrumbs
salt, pepper, paprika
1 onion
1 spoon flour
2 tablespoons sour cream
100 ml red wine
2 tablespoons tomato sauce
salt, pepper, paprika
1 bag frozen cauliflower
1 bag frozen broccoli

Boil the rice for 10 minutes, drain and let it cool. Then mix it with the minced meat, minced garlic and finely choped onion, green chopped parsley, egg white and breadcrumbs.
Season to taste with salt, pepper and paprika. Form the meatballs and boil them in salt water for 20 minutes. Remove it from the water and let them cool. Boil the vegetables in salt water.

For the sauce, heat 2 teaspoons of olive oil and add the finely choped onion and cook for 2 minutes.
Add red wine and let boil. Mix flour with sour cream and add to the sauce. Add the tomatoes sauce. Season to taste with salt, pepper and paprika. Boil several minutes until is thick.

Ciorba de porc cu smantana si usturoi / Pork broth with cream and garlic

Dupa o reteta Practic in bucatarie

200 gr muschi de porc
1 ardei iute
2 foi de dafin
2 linguri otet
1 gogosar rosu murat
2 morcovi
1 ceapa
2 linguri de orez
6 catei de usturoi
200 gr smantana
2 linguri faina
delikat, piper, boia
frunze de patrunjel

Carnea se taie fasii subtiri si se pune la fiert. Ceapa se toaca marunt si se caleste in putin ulei. Se adauga carnea fiarta, ardeiul iute tocat si trei litri de apa. Se adauga apoi morcovul dat pe razatoarea cu gauri mici, gogosarul murat tocat marunt, foile de dafin, otetul si orezul. Se condimenteaza si se lasa la pe foc. Cand orezul s-a fiert se adauga smantana amestecata cu faina. Se mai condimenteaza daca este nevoie si se mai lasa doua minute la fiert. Stingem focul si adaugam usturoiul dat prin presa si patrunjelul tocat.


200 grams pork chops
1 hot pepper
2 laurel leafs
2 tablespoons white vinegar
1 pickled bell pepper
2 carrots
1 onion
2 tablespoons rice
6 garlic cloves
200 grams sour cream
2 tablespoons flour
salt, pepper, paprika
green parsley

Cu the pork chops in thin little slices and put to boil.
In a large saucepan heat the olive oil and fry the garlic and onion for 2 minutes, stirring.
Add boiled meat, peppers and 3 litres of water.
Add the choped carrot and pickled bell peppers, laurel leafs, vinegar and rice.
Season to teste and let it boil. When the rice is boiled, add the cream mixed with flour and let boil for two more minutes.
Add the finely choped garlic and green parsley.

Cotlet de rechin la cuptor cu cartofi natur / Shark steak with boiled potatoes

4 bucati cotlet de rechin
1 lamaie
1 ceapa rosie
3 catei de usturoi
sare, piper, boia, oregano
ulei de masline
6 cartofi
frunze de patrunjel

Se unge tava cu unt. Se aseaza bucatile de cotlet. Eu le-am spalat si le-am uscat cu prosoape de hartie. Se stoarce lamaia peste cotlete, apoi se presara ceapa si usturoiul tocate marunt. Se condimenteaza si se toarna peste ulei de masline. Se baga la cuptor pentru 20 de minute la foc mediu, apoi 10 minute la foc mare.
Cartofii se curata si se taie bucatele. Se pun la fiert in apa cu sare, apoi se scurg de apa si se amesteca cu untul taiat cubulete mici. Se presara cu patrunjel verde tocat.
Eu am servit bineinteles cu mujdei ;)


4 shark steaks
1 lemon
1 red onion
3 garlic cloves
salt, pepper, paprika, oregano
olive oil
6 potatoes
green parsley

Grease an oven tray with butter. Put shark steaks. I have washed them and dried them with paper towels.
Squeeze lemon over is steak, then sprinkle with minced onion and garlic. Season to taste and pour over olive oil.
Put in the oven for 20 minutes on medium fire, then 10 minutes at high fire.
Peal the potatoes and cut in pieces. Boil them in salty water, dry them and mix with butter cut in small cubes.
Sprinkle with chopped green parsley.I served with garlic sauce of course;)

Mancare de fasole verde / Green beans with smoked pork ribs

250 gr costita afumata
1 ceapa
800 gr fasole verde congelata
2 linguri sos de rosii
frunze de patrunjel
sare, piper, boia

Costita se taie felii si se rumeneste in putin ulei de masline. Se adauga ceapa si se lasa 2,3 minute la calit. Se adauga apoi fasolea si apa si se lasa sa fiarba. Cand fasolea este aproape gata se adauga sosul de rosii, patrunjelul tocat si se condimenteaza. Se mai lasa 2 minute pe foc.


250 g smoked pork ribs
1 onion
800 g frozen green beans
2 tablespoons tomato sauce
green parsley
salt, pepper, paprika

Heat 2 teaspoons of olive oil and add the sliced ribs. Add onions and cook for 2,3 minutes.
Add the green beans and water and let them boil. When beans are almost done add the tomato sauce and chopped parsley.
Season to taste and cook for 2 more minutes.

Dovlecei umpluti cu branza / Cheese on board

4 dovlecei
2 fire ceapa verde
200 gr branza telemea
50 gr branza de vaci
sare, piper, boia
100 gr smantana

Dovleceii se spala bine si se taie cate o felie din coaja. Se scobeste interiorul in asa fel incat sa ramana capetele, sa nu curga umplutura. Se spala din nou si se aseaza cu scobitura in jos pe un servet. Bucatile de dovlecel fara seminte ramase se toaca marunt si se calesc in putin ulei de masline cu ceapa verde. Se lasa sa se raceasca, iar apoi se amesteca cu branza rasa. Se adauga o lingura de smantana si se condimenteaza. Se umplu dovleceii si se coc la cuptor aproximativ 30 de minute, pana se inmoaie dovleceii si umplutura se rumeneste. Se servesc cu smantana.


4 zucchinis
2 green onions
200 gr salty cheese
50 gr ricotta
salt, peper, paprika
100 gr cream

Wash zucchinis very well and cut a vertical piece of each. But be careful, you shouldn’t cut the head and the end of it. Then carve it deeply discarding its inside. Do the same for all zucchinis.
Fry the mince remaining parts parts and the green onions, and then mix them well with the chesse. Season to taste. Put 2 tsp butter inside each zucchini and then fill them with the cheese mixture.
Put it in oven and cook them until their top becomes a little brown (about 20 or 30 minutes).
After they cook, you can garnish them with sour cream.

Leapsa "Ce-as fi daca as fi..." de la Miha / "What would I be if I'll be ..."

"Ce-as fi daca as fi..."

O floare: trandafir

Un anotimp: iarna

O culoare: negru

Un animal: caine

Un obiect vestimentar: o ie

O piesa de mobilier: un raft cu carti

O piesa muzicala: Riot (Three Days Grace)

Un vers: "Daca vrei sa faci lumina cand e pentru tine noapte, Educa-te singur, Frate, citeste-o carte!"

Un peisaj: munti

Un obiect: o vaza cu flori

Un instrument muzical: chitara

Un copac: stejar

Un oras: un orasel linistit de munte

Persoana publica: Bob Marley

O persoana apropiata: Tzutzu meu ;)

O carte: Evadare imposibila (Lee Child)

Un fel de mancare: ciorba de burta

Un supererou: Alice (Resident Evil)

Un fenomen al naturii: fulger

O masina: Honda Civic

Un fruct: pomelo

O parte a corpului: gura

Un film: 28 Days Later

Ofer leapsa mai departe urmatorilor: Bucatarasul Vesel, Bucatar maniac, Cristina, Ama si Hemine.


"What would I be if I'll be ..."

A flower: rose

A season: Winter

A color: black

An animal: dog

A fashion item: ie

A piece of furniture: a shelf with books

A musical piece: Riot (Three Days Grace)

A verse: "If you want to make light when there is night for you, educate yourself, brother, read a book!"

A landscape: mountains

An object: a vase with flowers

A musical instrument: guitar

A tree: oak

A city: a quiet mountain town

A public person: Bob Marley

A person close to me: my Tzutzu ;)

A book: Die trying (Lee Child)

A kind of food: the cow
belly soup

A superhero: Alice (Resident Evil)

nature phenomenon: lightning

A car: Honda Civic

A fruit: pomelo

A part of the body: mouth

A movie: 28 Days Later

sâmbătă, 11 aprilie 2009

Bourguignon de ciuperci cu paste / Mushroom Bourguignon with pasta

Dupa o reteta smittenkitchen.com

500 gr ciuperci pleurotus
1 morcov
1 ceapa
4 catei de usturoi
2 linguri sos de rosii
200 ml vin rosu
50 gr unt
2 linguri de faina
frunze de patrunjel
sare, piper, boia

Se toaca ceapa si se pune la calit in putin ulei de masline. Se adauga morcovul taiat rondele, apoi ciupercile spalate si taiate bucatele. Se lasa sa se caleasca putin, apoi se adauga vinul si se lasa
sa fiarba bine la foc mic, pana mai scade din vin, adaugand si doua cesti de apa. Se adauga sosul de rosii, se condimenteaza si se adauga patrunjelul tocat. Untul moale se freaca bine cu faina si se adauga in tigaie amestecand bine pana se ingroasa. Se mai lasa pe foc 2,3 minute.
Am servit cu paste. Sosul este delicios, are o aroma deosebita.


500 gr mushrooms
1 carrot
1 onion
4 garlic cloves
2 tablespoons tomato sauce
200 ml red wine
50 gr butter
2 tablespoons of flour
green parsley
salt, pepper, paprika

Heat 2 teaspoons of olive oil and add the finely choped onion and cook for 2 minutes. Add the carrots cut in thin slices, then the mushrooms cut in pieces. Cook for a few minutes, add the wine and cook over low heat. Add one cup of water, the tomate sauce and the parsley. Season to taste.
Combine the butter and the flour with a fork and stir it into the stew. Lower the heat and simmer for 10 more minutes. Serve with pasta. The sauce is delicious, has a special flavor.

vineri, 10 aprilie 2009

Prajitura Roza / Roza cake

Reteta din cartea "PE GUSTUL ROZEI BUCOVINEANCA/Răsfăţuri culinare" de Rozalia Crăciunescu

Blat crocant:

100 gr unt
2 linguri smantana
2 linguri zahar
150 gr cereale Musli
250 gr faina
1 praf de copt
1 zahar vanilat
2 oua
2 linguri de zahar
125 gr branza de vaci
75 ml ulei
2 linguri smantana
15o gr smantana
3 linguri zahar
1 lingura amidon
1 compot de pere

Pentru blatul crocant se topeste untul si se amesteca zaharul, smantana si cerealele. Pentru aluat se amesteca toate bine, bine cu mixerul. Pentru umplutura se bat cu mixerul smantana zaharul si amidonul.
In tava, pe hartie de copt, punem aluatul. Peste el turnam umplutura si asezam feliile de pere. Deasupra punem blatul crocant. Se coace in cuptorul incins timp de 45 de minute.


Crisp layer:
100 grams butter
2 tablespoons sour cream
2 tablespoons sugar
150 gr Musli cereals
250 g flour
1 baking pouder
1 vanilla sugar
2 eggs
2 tablespoons sugar
125 g ricotta cheese
75 ml oil
2 tablespoons sour cream
15o grams cream
3 tablespoons sugar
1 spoon cornstarch
1 pear compote

For crisp layer melt butter and mix sugar, cream and cereals. For the dough mix well all the ingredients.
For filling mix the cream with sugar and starch. Put the dough into the pan, over baking paper.
Pour the filling, then arrange the pear slices. Put the crisp layer above.
Cook in preheated oven for 45 minutes.

Drob de legume / Baked vegetables

100 gr masline verzi
1/2 cutie porumb
1 ceapa rosie
2 fire ceapa verde
2 morcovi
1 patrunjel
1 lingura capere in otet
frunze de patrunjel
4 oua
200 gr smantana
200 gr telemea
3 linguri pesmet

Morcovii si patrunjelul se taie cubulete mici si se fierb. Se toaca ceapa si se amesteca apoi toate legumele. Ouale se bat si se adauga smantana si telemeaua rasa. Se amesteca cele doua compozitii, se adauga pesmetul si se toarna in tava unsa si tapetata cu pesmet. Se coace 40 de minute.


100 grams green olives
1 / 2 can sweet corn
1 red onion
2 green onions
2 carrots
1 parsley
1 spoon capers in vinegar
green parsley
4 eggs
200 grams sour cream
200 grams salty cheese
3 tablespoons breadcrumbs

Cut carrots and parsley into small cubes and boiled them.
Mince the onion and then mix all the vegetables.
Mix the eggs with the sour cream and salty chesse.
Mix the two compositions, add breadcrumbs and pour into baking tray.
Bake for 40 minutes.

Premiu de la Miha

Miha mi-a oferit un premiu deosebit: premiul Sakura. Ii multumesc frumos si il ofer mai departe Bucatarului maniac, Lily, Laura, Iulia, Dragonika si Marina.

Premii de la Elisa

Am primit doua premii noi si frumoase de la Elisa. Ii multumesc din suflet pentru ele si le ofer mai departe cu mult drag Mihaelei, Edith, Amy, Cristina, Flori, Marcela, Davella, Mononoke si Bucatarasului vesel.

Va astept sa va ridicati premiile !

miercuri, 8 aprilie 2009

Tort coronita cu capsuni / Strawberry cake

Blat dupa o reteta din suplimentul Practic in bucatarie "Prajituri traditionale romanesti"


200 gr unt
4 oua
300 gr faina
1 praf de copt
200 gr zahar
125 ml vin rosu
350 ml lapte
1 budinca de vanilie cu bucatele de capsuni
2 linguri de zahar
150 ml frisca lichida

Se freaca ouale cu untul moale, apoi se adauga zaharul si se mixeaza pana obtinem o compozitie cremoasa. Se adauga vinul, apoi faina si se mixeaza bine. Se toarna compozitia in forma unsa si tapetata cu faina si se coace aproximativ o ora la 180C.
Intre timp se prepara budinca si se lasa la racit. Frisca lichida se mixeaza pana se intareste bine, iar apoi se incorporeaza in budinca.
Dupa ce blatul este copt se lasa sa se raceasca si se taie apoi in 3. Se umplu foile de blat cu crema de budinca, se unge apoi si deasupra si se orneaza cu capsuni.

Foarte interesant blatul cu vin. Iar crema de budinca si frisca este o alta varianta la cea de budinca si unt. Mie mi se pare mai gustoasa.


200 grams butter
4 eggs
300 gr flour
1 baking powder
200 grams sugar
125 ml red wine
350 ml milk
1 vanilla pudding with strawberry pieces
2 tablespoons sugar
150 ml whipped cream

Mix the eggs with soft butter, then add sugar and mix to obtain a creamy composition.
Add wine, then flour and mix well. Bake the about one hour at 180C.
Meanwhile prepare the pudding and let it cool. Mix the whipped cream until strengthens fine, and then incorporated in the pudding.
After the cake is baked let it cool and then cut into 3. Fill it with cream, and decorate with strawberries.
The wine cake has a very interesting taste. And pudding and whipped cream is another variant of the pudding and butter cream. I think is more tasty.

Cotlet de porc la cuptor pe pat de legume / Baked pork chops on vegetable bed

6 cartofi
1 punga baby carrots congelati
3 cepe rosii mici
5 cotlete de porc fara os
sare, piper, boia
frunze de patrunjel
ulei de masline

Se toarna putin ulei in tava si se aseaza cartofii taiati rondele, morcovii si ceapa taiata in bucati mari. Se presara cu frunze de patrunjel. Cotletele se condimenteaza cu sare, piper si boia si se aseaza peste legume. Se stopesc legumele si canea cu ulei si se dau la cuptor pentru o ora la foc mai mic, iar apoi 10-15 minute la foc mare.

Am servit cu mujdei :) Legumele au fost atat de bune ... se topeau in gura, si cu un gust dulceag ca nu le-am condimentat deloc.


6 potatoes
1 bag frozen baby carrots
3 small red onions
5 pork chops
salt, pepper, paprika
green parsley
olive oil

Pour a little oil in the tray and place the potatoes, carrots and onions cut in large pieces.
Sprinkle with green parsley. Season the pork chops with salt, pepper and paprika and sit over vegetables. Sprinkle with olive oil and bake for one hour at medium fire then 10-15 minutes at high fire. I served with garlic sauce) Vegetables were so good ... melt in the mouth and had a sweet taste.
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