140 gr faina
2 oua
1 galbenus
250 ml lapte
200 gr branza telemea
200 gr spanac proaspat
1 ceapa rosie
2 fire ceapa verde
sare, piper, boia
1 ou
1 albus
2 linguri smantana
50 gr cascaval
Se pregateste aluatul de clatite si acestea se coc. Mie mi-au iesit 10 bucati mai mici.
Ceapa se toaca si se pune la calit. Se adauga spanacul, ceapa verde si mararul se mai lasa pe foc, acoperit, pana se inmoaie spanacul.. Se amesteca apoi cu branza telemea rasa si se condimenteaza. Se aseaza umplutura pe mijlocul clatitelor, se ruleaza si se aseaza in tava unsa si tapetata cu pesmet. Se bat oul si albusul, se adauga smantana si se toarna peste clatite. Deasupra se presara cascaval ras. Se coc 15 minute, pana se rumenesc. Se servesc cu smantana.
140 gr flour
2 eggs
1 yolk
250 ml milk
200 grams salty cheese
200 grams fresh spinach
1 red onion
2 green onions
salt, pepper, paprika
1 egg
1 egg white
2 tablespoons sour cream
50 g cheese
Prepares the dough for pancakes and cook them. I've got 10 smaller pancakes.
In a large saucepan heat the olive oil and fry the minced onion. Add the spinach, green onion and dill. Leave it on fire, covered, until spinach is cooked.
Then mix with salty cheese and seasn to taste. Put the filling on the pancakes and sit them on the baking tray.
Mix the egg, the egg white add sour cream and pour over pancakes. Sprinkle over cheese.
Bake for 15 minutes, until crisp. Serve with sour cream.
Ala clatitele tale arata incredibil de bine!foarte interesanta idea,cu siguranta am sa o pun in practica cat de curand.pupici si spor la bucatarit!
RăspundețiȘtergereMultumesc Cristina !