1 caserola pulpe inferioare
3 linguri ulei de masline
1/2 lingurita boia iute
condiment pentru carnea de pui
1 lingurita coriandru
1 lingurita marar uscat
1 lingurita rozmarin
cartofi noi
1 legatura de marar
Am dat jos pielea de pe pulpe si le-am uns cu uleiul de masline amestecat cu condimentele. Le-am lasat intr-un vas acoperit cu folie de plastic, pentru o ora de frigider. Intre timp am fiert cartofii noi in coaja. Dupa ce s-au fiert i-am strecurat, i-am decojit si i-am taiat in patru. Am asezat bucatile de cartofi in tava unsa cu ulei de masline. I-am sarat, am presarat marar tocat si i-am stropit cu ulei de masline. Se baga la cuptor. Se aseaza si pulpele intr-o tava si se pun si acestea la cuptor. Se coc aproximativ 45 de minute. Eu am program "multi" la cuptor. Carnea vine sus, cartofii jos si se coc uniform. Am servit cu salata de castraveti, iaurt si marar.
1 casserole lower chicken legs
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 / 2 spoon chilli
seasoning for chicken meat
1 spoon coriander
1 spoon dry dill
1 spoon dry rosemary
new potatoes
fresh dill
I took the skin out from chicken legs and grease them with olive oil mixed with spices. I put them in a vessel covered with plastic sheet to the refrigerator for an hour. Meanwhile I boiled the new potatoes. After that I took the skin of and cut in four. I put potatoes in the tray. I sprinkled with salt, chopped dill and olive oil. Then put the chicken legs in another tray and put them all in the oven. Baked for45 minutes. I have a "multi"program. The meat tray is on top and the potatoes in another tray, lower and they are baked in the same time. I served with cucumber, yogurt and dill salad.
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