600 gr carne tocata de vita
50 gr orez
1 ceapa
2 catei de usturoi
patrunjel verde
1 albus
2 linguri pesmet
sare, piper, boia
condiment pentru chiftele
1 ceapa
1 lingura faina
2 linguri smantana
100 ml vin rosu
2 linguri sos de rosii
sare, piper, boia
1 punga conopida congelata
1 punga broccoli congelat
Orezul se fierbe 10 minute, se scurge si se lasa la racit. Se amesteca apoi cu carnea tocata, usturoiul dat prin presa, ceapa data pe razatoarea cu gauri mici, patrunjelul verde tocat, albusul si pesmetul. Se condimenteaza si se framanta bine. Se formeaza perisoarele care se fierb in apa cu sare pentru 20 de minute. Cand sunt gata se scot cu o spumiera.
Legumele se fierb in apa cu sare.
Pentru sos se toaca ceapa marunt si se pune la calit in putin ulei de masline. Se adauga vinul rosu si se lasa la fiert. Faina se amesteca cu smantana si se adauga la sos. Se adauga si sosul de rosii si se condimenteaza. Se fierbe cateva minute pana se ingroasa.
600 gr minced beef meat
50 gr rice
1 onion
2 garlic cloves
green parsley
1 egg white
2 tablespoons breadcrumbs
salt, pepper, paprika
1 onion
1 spoon flour
2 tablespoons sour cream
100 ml red wine
2 tablespoons tomato sauce
salt, pepper, paprika
1 bag frozen cauliflower
1 bag frozen broccoli
Boil the rice for 10 minutes, drain and let it cool. Then mix it with the minced meat, minced garlic and finely choped onion, green chopped parsley, egg white and breadcrumbs.
Season to taste with salt, pepper and paprika. Form the meatballs and boil them in salt water for 20 minutes. Remove it from the water and let them cool. Boil the vegetables in salt water.
For the sauce, heat 2 teaspoons of olive oil and add the finely choped onion and cook for 2 minutes.
Add red wine and let boil. Mix flour with sour cream and add to the sauce. Add the tomatoes sauce. Season to taste with salt, pepper and paprika. Boil several minutes until is thick.
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