125+ gr faina
140 gr unt
30 gr branza telemea
30 gr cascaval
30 gr pastrama de porc
Se pune faina intr-un bol. Se adauga untul taiat bucatele, sarea, apoi branza, cascavalul si pastrama de porc date prin razatoare. Se framanta putin cu mainile si se toarna compozitia pe suprafata de lucru presarata cu faina. Se presara faina si peste aluat si se intinde cu sucitorul. Se impacheteaza, se presara din nou faina si se intinde. Se repeta aceasta operatiune de mai multe ori, pana cand se leaga bine aluatul.
Se intinde apoi o foaie, se decupeaza forme si se inteapa cu furculita. Se coc la foc mare, pana se rumenesc. Ies niste biscuiti sfaramiciosi, cu o aroma foarte faina. Merg bine cu un vin rosu sec :)
125+ gr flour
140 gr butter
a generous pinch of salt
1/2 of a thick slice of bacon
30 g. hard sharp salty cheese
30 g. cheese like Emmenthal
Roughly work the butter into the flour. Mince the bacon and cheese very fine and add in into the butter & flour mixture. Pat this dough into a rough rectangle, and using flour generously to keep it from sticking to your board, roll it out to about a centimeter or 1/2" thick. If it sticks, use a knife to release it, and sprinkle the wet side with flour.
Fold it over into thirds, one side and then the other, overlapping. Do not chill in between folding. Roll it out again, and then fold it again, turning the rougher edges into the center. Do this several times.
After your final folding, roll it out again. Prick the surface of the dough with a fork. Cut the squares from the dough and place them on a baking sheet. Bake in a 200C hot oven until they turn brown.
They are great with dry red wine :)
mmmmm!ca bine zici cu vinul...minunata combinatia!arata f. bine bicuitii!
RăspundețiȘtergereMultumesc Alison ! Asta a fost cina mea intr-o seara: un pahar de vin si cativa biscuiti :)