200 gr muschi de porc
1 ardei iute
2 foi de dafin
2 linguri otet
1 gogosar rosu murat
2 morcovi
1 ceapa
2 linguri de orez
6 catei de usturoi
200 gr smantana
2 linguri faina
delikat, piper, boia
frunze de patrunjel
Carnea se taie fasii subtiri si se pune la fiert. Ceapa se toaca marunt si se caleste in putin ulei. Se adauga carnea fiarta, ardeiul iute tocat si trei litri de apa. Se adauga apoi morcovul dat pe razatoarea cu gauri mici, gogosarul murat tocat marunt, foile de dafin, otetul si orezul. Se condimenteaza si se lasa la pe foc. Cand orezul s-a fiert se adauga smantana amestecata cu faina. Se mai condimenteaza daca este nevoie si se mai lasa doua minute la fiert. Stingem focul si adaugam usturoiul dat prin presa si patrunjelul tocat.
200 grams pork chops
1 hot pepper
2 laurel leafs
2 tablespoons white vinegar
1 pickled bell pepper
2 carrots
1 onion
2 tablespoons rice
6 garlic cloves
200 grams sour cream
2 tablespoons flour
salt, pepper, paprika
green parsley
Cu the pork chops in thin little slices and put to boil.
In a large saucepan heat the olive oil and fry the garlic and onion for 2 minutes, stirring.
Add boiled meat, peppers and 3 litres of water.
Add the choped carrot and pickled bell peppers, laurel leafs, vinegar and rice.
Season to teste and let it boil. When the rice is boiled, add the cream mixed with flour and let boil for two more minutes.
Add the finely choped garlic and green parsley.
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