200 g faina
1 ou
200 g unt
50 ml apa
1 lingurita otet
1 l lapte
350 g zahar
100 g amidon
5 oua
200 g unt
1 zahar vanilat
o budinca de vanilie
Se prepara o coca din ou, apa, otet si 100 g faina si alta compozitie din 100 g faina si unt. Pentru prima compozitie eu am mai adaugat faina, ca era prea moale aluatul, nu se putea intinde. Se imparte prima coca in 2 parti si se intind 2 foi subtiri. Se unge fiecare foaie cu jumatate din a doua compozitie, se impaturesc si se dau la frigider pentru o ora. Apoi se ia fiecare jumatate, se intinde si se coace pe dosul tavii, presara faina. Se pune laptele, zaharul, budinca si vanilia pe foc mic. Se bat albusurile spuma si se adauga galbenusurile amestecate cu amidonul. Cand incepe sa fiarba se adauga spuma de oua si se amesteca pentru a nu se face cocoloase. Dupa ce s-a ingrosat se ia de pe foc si se lasa 10 minute dupa care se adauga untul cu lingura si se amesteca incet. O mai lasam un timp sa se raceasca dar nu de tot. Cand este calduta se pune intre foi, se inveleste tot in folie de plastic si se da la frigider.
200 g flour
1 egg
200 g butter
50 ml water
1 spoon white vinegar
1 l milk
350 g sugar
100 g semolina
5 eggs
200 g butter
1 vanilla sugar
1 vanilla pudding
Make the dough from two compositions: first composition: egg, water, vinegar and 100 g flour and second composition: 100 g flour and butter.
For the first composition I added more flour, the dough was too soft, not able to stretch.
Divide the first dough into 2 parts and stretch 2 thin sheets. Spread the second composition, fold and refrigerate for one hour. Cook the sheets on the back of the tray.
In a medium saucepan, combine milk, sugar and vanilla pudding. Bring to a boil while stirring.
Beat the egg whites and add the yolks mixed with cornstarch. When stew begins to foam add the eggs and mix well.
Remove from the fire and leave 10 minutes to cool, but not at all, then add the butter and mix slowly.
When it is still warm spread between layers, wrap is plastic plastic sheet and put in the refrigerator.
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