260 gr faina
25 gr cacao
1 praf de copt
1 lingurita bicarbonat
215 gr zahar
113 gr unt
2 oua
250 ml lapte
Umplutura de branza:
250 gr branza philadelphia cu continut redus de grasime
50 gr zahar
360 gr zahar
125 ml lapte
100 gr ciocolata amaruie
Se freaca branza Philadelphia cu zaharul. Apoi se freaca untul cu zaharul si se adauga pe rand ouale, apoi faina amestecata cu cacaoa, praful de copt si bicarbonat, alternativ cu laptele. Se obtine o compozitie cremoasa din care jumatate se intinde in tava. Peste jumatatea de blat negru se intinde crema de branza. E mai usor daca se aseaza gramajoare cu lingurita, din loc in loc, si apoi se niveleaza. Deasupra se aseaza cealalata jumatate de blat negru. Se niveleaza bine si se introduce la cuptor la 180C, timp de 1 ora. Se topeste ciocolata cu laptele apoi se freaca bine cu zaharul.Se toarna peste prajitura rece.
Eu am facut un sos de ciocolata, din ciocolata topita si putin lapte. Peste sos am presarat migdale maruntite.
260 gr flour
25 g cocoa
1 baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
215 gr sugar
113 gr butter
2 eggs
250 ml milk
Cheese cream:
250 g Philadelphia cheese with reduced-fat
50 gr sugar
50 ml milk
100 gr dark chocolate
Mix Philadelphia cheese with sugar in a bowl.
In another bowl mix the butter and sugar, then add all the eggs, flour, cocoa, baking powder and baking soda, alternating with milk.
You should obtain a creamy composition. Spread half on a tray, place the cream cheese and then the other half. Bake at 180C for 1 hour.
Made a chocolate sauce, melting the chocolate and adding milk. Pour over cold cake.I sprinkled the cake with almonds flakes.
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